
WARNING: Mature language ahead.

This happens. Every time I change the look of my blog, I come up with some posts, and then BOOM. Nothing else. Call it writer’s block. In fact, don’t. Don’t insult other writers out there, just plainly call it what it is. It’s my good old friend, laziness. So yes, I have, apparently, been on a hiatus off of writing since October of 2012. I hesitate to say I’m back, but yes, I’d like to blow the dust off my blog (so to speak) to again, rant here on a few issues of my age. Today’s topic; OBSESSION.

I have a feeling that this would be a very negative topic should it ever be brought into a debate as we are, after all, Malaysians, and after that crazy fiasco with Syarifah Zohra Jabeen and Bawani, it’s been made clearer that we’re not supposed to be vocal about certain issues or the powers that be will shut you up and make you listen to them until you concede. With that said, let me first voice out that this is, after all, an opinion. An opinion that is derived from observation of the eyes and then connected by logic and reason from the brains to form a singular and coherent thought and idea. Therefore, should there be any contradictory points to my argument(s), please feel free to provide your own. However please note that only logical opinions will be entertained. Emotional rants will, as I do in real life, be wholly ignored and highlighted as the subject of my mockery.

As an aftermath of the forum that went viral referenced above, a lot of parties have come out and defended the rights of the youth to speak their minds and be more pro-active in voicing their opinions. Of course, naturally I believe that the freedom of speech, especially for a youth, is quintessential in nation building. Any blogger who denies the freedom of speech is either an idiot or does not understand the meaning of irony, really. However, that does not mean that we, the youth do not have our idiotic moments too. Case in point is what I would like to talk about today; OBSESSION, be it with celebrities, movies or even a culture. Oh, and don’t forget technology. (Yes, Apple, I’m looking at you.)

Okay, so it might not be too serious, you think, but aha! I would bring you 2 exhibits of the case that actually brought at the least, embarrassment and at its peak, self-harm. They are:

Exhibit A: #BaldForBieber

Exhibit B: #CutForBieber

Ironic isn’t it that both these examples involve the same celebrity? It sends some kind of message across doesn’t it? Maybe the fact that the fans of this particular artist are idiots? No? Oh well, maybe it’s just me. Anyway, yes. I have a problem with the amount of stupid there is in the world today for a bunch of human beings to perform acts of idiocy on themselves for a figure or idol that is not even aware of their existence, much less be in any way or form affected by their acts of dumbness.

So let’s delve deeper shall we? Let’s figure out what I am actually talking about here. Well for starters (yes, all of that text up there, shit hasn’t even begun yet, son!) let’s begin with Justin “Stupidfans” Bieber. Yep, I nicknamed him Stupidfans.

Stupidfans, seen here surrounded by his namesake.

Friends of mine would know that already, I am not a fan of his music. (Sorry J-Biebs, nothing personal, your music just doesn’t shake me that way) Since I am mature enough to know that music preferences are a subjective thing, I shall not criticize those who love his songs, I shall, however, criticize his stupid fans, for loving his every-other non-music related properties.

I’m sorry, he’s caring? Listen you little clusterfuck, how on earth would you know that? Does he know you exist? Did he nurse you to health when you were down with that cold last month? He’s HOT? He’s HOT??!! What the fricking frack is wrong with you? Didn’t yo mama ever told you to judge something not by their physical attractiveness, but by their inner virtue?  Loving and sweet? Little girl, I bet my whole monthly allowance that you have never described your parents, who have provided for you and sheltered you for all of your insignificant little life as “loving” and “sweet”. Think about your life’s priorities kiddo. You’re describing a TOTAL STRANGER there. All you know about him is what the media portrays him as. You are no friend of his. In his world, YOU DO NOT EXIST.

Ehem. Sorry. Back to what I was saying. It’s a very sad thing to see that these small little girls look up to this insignificant little punk and make him their everything. Don’t take me the wrong way, if you’re a fan, appreciate them the best way you can; by appreciating what they love, their music. Not by throwing yourselves blindly at this little boy-girl (birl?) for a song or two that you’ve heard him sing. Hell, if you like the “deep meaning” of the song, guess what? That little guttershite didn’t write them songs. He just sings them.

Now let’s move on to another aspect of obsession plaguing our nation in this recent times; K-pop.

I'm determined to have at least one decent picture in this post, so here. Girls Generation. I think.

Now again, I know that everyone is subject to their own opinions here in terms of taste, but my issue is when you go nuts for this stuff. Have you noticed how we’ve started emulating Korean fashion now? I mean seriously? You’ve taken to wearing glasses WITHOUT glasses? You know what they’re called? Fucking FRAMES. That’s what it’s called.

You dare mock me?!

I wear glasses because my eyes suck and I can’t see long distances. In simple, stupid terms, I’M FUCKING BLIND! What’s your excuse? FASHION? Since when does fashion mock my fuckin’ disability? Come on lads, you have brains, where’s your fuckin’ common sense eh? If the powers that be in the fashion industry decided tomorrow that wheelchairs are fashionable, don’t tell me everyone is gonna go ahead and forgo walking altogether in the name of fashion? Actually you know what? We already have fat-asses who need those battery powered scooters to move about coz their legs no longer work. People buying wheelchairs for fashion actually sounds plausible. Ah fuck this planet.

Twilight is another phenomenon that makes me triple facepalm. I’ll concede, the movie premise was pretty interesting, I mean, you have werewolves, red Indians and vampires with x-men like abilities. That’s like a dude’s wet dream! Until you see how soppy the whole thing is. Well good on Stephanie Meyer, watering down the violence of the undead and the transformed for the digestion and interest of girls worldwide.

Here’s where shit goes south. Boyfriends all over the world has to fucking endure the torture of seeing Edward, a vampire, also known as THE COOLEST FUCKING THING TO BE EVER say to Bella these exact words, “What? I’m not monster enough for you?” Oh sweet merciful god. YUCK.

Boyfriends all over the world hated the movie and rejoiced the moment the last part of the movie came out as it marked a sort of independence. No more looking over your shoulders, making sure the unwelcome request to go watch Twilight together doesn’t come. No more nights at the cinemas watching two of the coolest paranormal entities get rebranded into sob puppets on screen. No more.

Yes, this picture is from 9gag. I'm just too bloody lazy to remove the watermark. 

And finally, Apple. To be honest, I’ve never seen what it is that my friends ever saw in Apple. The allure of the white, designer iThings never infected me. I’ve always seen them as idiots gadgets, which they essentially were (they revolutionized the User Interface by dumbing it down so that it appeals to a wider audience) and that’s good for them. They came, they massacred the market with their products, and they asserted their dominance. Yay. My issue is this:

You see, that’s people in the great US of A lining up to get Apple products the day of its launch. For those of you who do not know, here’s a little backstory. We here in Malaysia were a bit slow to the Apple revolution as we had to wait for Apple to build its empire over on US soil before they expanded here in Malaysia. And the moment they did, this was what happened.

Idiots. You know why they do it? Just because the Americans did it too. So what if you got the product first? Is your life so insignificant that you have to waste your time lining up and sometimes even camping outside of a store JUST to be among the first few to own a particular item? That is just sad. I don’t even need to explain why it’s sad. It’s like that kid in high school who never got over the fact that he was the first to finish his homework. Boy, nobody gives a damn. It’s a gadget. Next year, there’s gonna be something better. And you know what, sometimes being first isn’t even worth it. Product recalls often affect the first n-th product as the latest ones already have the fix implemented in them. So not only did you waste your time (read “life”) waiting for the product, it might not even work properly. Sucks to be you huh?

Opening of H&M Malaysia

And what’s worse is that the trend is now spreading to other facets of life. Sigh. Society, you better get your shit together now or we going the way of the dinosaurs. They didn’t have common sense back then. What’s your excuse?


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